Terri Kiggins
Terri is a Reiki Master Energy Therapist, Emotion Code Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist and an Intuitive Tarot Oracle Reader.
She has been working with multiple forms of Energy methods since the 1980's. Terri combine's a variety of these methods in Client Sessions based on the Client need and desired outcome.
Despite how long she has been on this path, she is constantly on a quest for more knowledge and experiences in these areas!
It is her desire to help you be your BEST Self.
Please keep in mind that Energy Therapy should not be used as your sole form of healing. It serves you best when used as a complimentary therapy to the treatment plan provided by your professional Medical team.

Energy modalities that I have studied, work with, and utilize:
Aura's (Energy Body)
Breath work
Chakras (Energy Centers)
Cyndi Dale Methods
Eden Energy Medicine
Emotion Code
Feng Shui
Meridians (Energy Streams)
Mindfulness methods
Oracle Cards
Tarot Cards
Usui Reiki
Hours and Locations
Monday through Friday Evenings
Virtual Sessions
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Evenings
In person sessions at Resinosa Massage in Eagan, MN.
Virtual Appointments can be made here.
In-person Appointments can be made at www.ResinosaMassage.com
Choose Energy Therapy for:
Emotion Code (Releasing unprocessed emotional energies)
Reiki Energy Therapy Sessions
Intuitive Tarot Oracle Card Reading
Choose Twin Cities Manual Therapy for: CranioSacral Therapy
If you would like to inquire on making an appointment for a different day/time, please contact me to discuss further!
Quantum Physics has now proven what these two famous scientists told us long ago...

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, it's physics."
~Albert Einstein
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
~Nikola Tesla
Everything is ENERGY, including us.
We are energy beings experiencing a human body.